Em bé Đồng Tháp 3 tuổi đòi mẹ mua micro làm quà, biết lý do nhiều người khen "xuất sắc"

A 3-year-old Dong Thap boy asks his mother to buy a microphone as a gift, knowing why many people praise "excellent"

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Born into a family with no one with artistic blood, but because of the "singing and dancing" of a Ukrainian male singer, Ball in Dong Thap imitated and expressed his passion for music. a genius.

In the past, there was a saying that "the offspring is not like feathers or the wings", but in some cases it may not be completely true because there are many babies who show their artistic talents. From an early age even when no one in the family made art. The story of baby Ball (3 years old) is the first son of Ms. Nguyen Tran in Cao Lanh, Dong Thap is one of such "genius".

Looking at the music's expressive style, many people believe that if they pursue this path in the future, they will not be inferior to those whose parents are already active in the profession.

According to Ms. Tran, from a very young age, Ball has proved to be an agile, smart and focused child. When she gets pregnant every night before going to bed, she usually plays non-lyrics and some pregnant songs in the hope that the baby in the womb can feel the music.

It was not until later when Little Ball was 1.5 years old that he began to focus on the songs of the singer Vitas - a Ukrainian singer, sing mostly in Russian. After only a few times my mom turned on the TV to see this foreign artist perform, I imitated the lyrics even though that day was not spoken well.

She said: “Once sitting with my parents, Ball accidentally saw the performance of singer Vitas on television. At that time, the boy watched intently and eagerly danced to the dance of the singer. From there, Ball started to be a fan of Vitas. Every day, if I have a Vitas program on TV, I have to watch it. ”

Every time watching Vitas singer perform his child attentively looking at each movement, every gesture of the artist is memorized very quickly. “I was quite surprised when I saw my son imitating the singer 'charisma on TV so well. When I was 2 years old, I imitated Vitas just like you ”- Ms. Tran said.

Em bé Ball (3 tuổi) là con trai đầu lòng của chị Nguyễn Trân ở Cao Lãnh, Đồng Tháp.
Baby Ball (3 years old) is the first son of Ms. Nguyen Tran in Cao Lanh, Dong Thap.

On the side of Ms. Tran's family, because no one was involved in artistic activities, when witnessing their children show their artist qualities early, the members were unexpected. Not stopping at learning how the singer performed, from the professional dance style of the little idol Ball, he also cleverly modified the fashion to create his own style.

Every time you dance, you need to throw your shirt off instead of your white nightgowns and don't forget to let go of the buttons while dancing to flap your lap easily. Although he is not familiar with the lyrics, he can only catch a few words, but most importantly, the boy imitates the dance moves of Vitas quite similar, the dance moves are quite flexible and the series of hands is definitely high or good. wink that many people enjoy.

Not only does Vitas dance very well, Ball also loves Michael Jackson's songs. In addition to the time of singing and dancing on the popular songs on Youtube, Ball also hummed Jack's hits like: "Waves", "Hey you" ...

Dong Thap's mother shared: “Baby Ball has just gone to kindergarten, has not learned English or words, so I do not memorize any song at all. When I finished dancing, I would ask my mother, "Mom, do I dance or not?", "Mom, do I sing or not?".

When asked about the point of raising children, Ms. Tran did not hesitate to reveal that she did not have any pressure on parenting, she let the children develop completely naturally. Baby Ball is taken out by his mother regularly, he is in contact with many people so he is not shy in front of strangers and confidently shows his aptitude.

Especially every time I go out for coffee wherever I have music, I want to stand up for everyone to see. Seeing Ball like to sing, dance, the viewers were excited and called her a talent.

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